PC FOR PMC: Abby's Fundraiser for Pan-Mass CHallenge
Join Pottery Cellar for our PC for PMC event. The fundraiser will be held indoors and outside at Pottery Cellar. The Pan-Mass Challenge has deep roots within our family and we are supporting Westfield native and first-time rider, Abby Kiefer, to meet her goal. Come meet other riders, including one who rode the inaugural PMC in 1980. Enjoy strolling music by Sarah the Fiddler, raffles and great food. Tickets for sale at the Pottery Cellar, by phone at 413.642.5524, online at PotteryCellar.com Your ticket includes dinner and 1 drink ticket. Advance tickets only. Dinner includes Steak Tips, BBQ Chicken, Baked Potatoes, Tortellini Salad, Garden Salad and a Pie Bar.